Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Mainshill Solidarity Camp

Mainshill Solidarity Camp in South Lanarkshire Scotland is on the site of a proposed open-cast coal mine. The land has been occupied and defended by campers who are working with the local community in opposition to Scottish Coal's plans.

See updates on the website:

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

tart tart tart


TART * The sweet: as in the dessert tart, coming to English in the 1200s from French. A bit of pastry with some fruit in. Maybe a spot of cream in there and a glaze on top.

TART * The tart: as in the adjective tart, meaning “sharp, piquant,” originating from an Old English word teart, with intense meanings of pain and suffering.

TART * The sweet and tart: as in the pejorative tart applied to prostitutes, promiscuous women and occasionally men. This version of the word was sweet in that it was used in a positive sense when it appeared around the mid 1800s; it took pejorative connotations not long after. It's thought that the first use of tart in this sense was as a shortening of sweetheart, or jam-tart, cockney rhyming slang for sweetheart.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Item 4:

Item 3:

Item 2:

Item 1:


I've been quiet for a while...the evidence to follow.